Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Keeping up with the Kennedy's

I want to share a few scenes from our life at T(o)KC. While we are not crazy busy like other people, we do have a lot going on this summer. This is what summer is all about. I, for one, am LOVING every minute of it.

Love the fact that we now have a tire swing for little (and not so little) visitors to enjoy. Also love the amazing, crazy complicated knot that Kent tied to secure, raise and lower the swing. He really is a handy guy to have around.

Love making chocolate chip cookies now. In fact, it's really rather addicting. Especially when one batch fits PERFECTLY in my Mom's round tupperware container. The same (30+ year old) tupperware container that went on many a picnic, road trip, school functions, and up north with our family! I love that it says Bachle on the side in her writing, and MOM on the top.

Love immersing myself into learning more about herbs and using them in new ways. Love channeling my Mom (again!) to make herb vinegars in anticipation of making and sharing her fresh herb salad dressing. Love watching the plants grow each and every day and harvesting them to make breakfast, lunch and dinner special.

Love Michigan produce. Love finding a new recipe and product that not only I think is really good, but K says is good enough to add to the product line. Love that my prototype batch included produce direct from my sisters garden, and that my Aunt Keen is one of my beta-testers!

Love putting my vintage finds to good use. This amazing suitcase is serving as a desk and storage space for my party planning paperwork and collection of goodies. It sits atop a folding teak table from my Mom and Dad's. At the end of the day I close it up, the clutter goes away and all is good. 
Beauty + Function.

Totally loving being outside in the morning and late afternoon, finding these amazing puddles of light and shadow.  Loving the organic, natural patterns and materials in juxtaposition with the industrial feel of things we've selected for that very reason.

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